Friday, August 13, 2010

It's a windy morning in central Auckland and I'm up thinking. Does this wind blow right around the universe? I've just been reading some old posts on Richard's Bass Bag. He seems fixated with the concept of a finite universe... a very interesting concept.
It is hard for us mere specks to imagine infinity and maybe, if something is so big, it doesn't need to be infinite. Still, it makes room for the question,
what is at the edge of the universe?
Something different? Nothing?
Hey, define nothing. Now there's a hard one (please, no puns on my name Curmudgeon).
Could it be that Second's heaven exists out there, where the universe has run out of planets, rocks and stars?
I think I will think about this until lunchtime and then take a nap.


  1. If the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate then that suggests an infinite one.
    No I don't think heaven is out there. As non thinker has said, this world Jasper is an illusion.

  2. "Could it be that Second's heaven exists out there, where the universe has run out of planets, rocks and stars?"

    My Dad made a treaty and said that its all mine so keep your mits off Second.

  3. Hey, you guys are getting deep. Will I be in over my head with you brilliant thinkers?
